Invitation for the Participation in 2023 Peace Days: Future = Positive Peace

Invitation for the Participation in 2023 Peace DaysFuture = Positive PeaceSarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 20 – 22, 2023 The Network for Building Peace is organising Peace Days under the slogan ”Future = Positive Peace” in cooperation with forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forum Civil Peace Service) and Peace Education Hub at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo. This event will also include […]

What does the database development process look like?

In today’s age, we encounter databases in our daily lives. Regardless of whether we go to work, market, bank or gas station, databases are all around us. On the Internet, it is possible to find an increasing number of ready-made (free – predefined) databases, however very often there is a need to develop a database from an idea[…]

BiH: The Islamic community donated 260,000 KM in aid for those affected by the floods in Bosnian Krajina

The first intervention aid to the affected population was activated and realized by the Islamic Community through the Muslim Charitable Society (MDD) Merhamet and the Red Cross, and these activities were coordinated by the Mufti of Bihac The Islamic Community (IZ) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through its program activities, awarded aid in the total value of 260,000[…]

On Saturday, an ecological campaign to clean the banks of the Neretva, Radobolje, and Stari Most rivers

A large traditional environmental action called “The Bridge” will be held on Saturday, June 24, 2003. starting at 11 a.m. Due to the well-known situation with the Covid-19 virus pandemic, which is now behind us, we have not organized a clean-up operation for many years. That’s why now, we can proudly announce the holding of the traditional ecological[…]