find out more about what Philanthropy in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents and what are the philanthropic activities of the Strength of the Local project and our partner organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Philanthropy is giving for general and humanitarian purposes, helping with money or goods, but also with knowledge, skill and expertise.

It is based on personal and social values such as fairness, charity, solidarity and responsibility. Also on moral principles, love, empathy and kindness for others.

What is philanthropy?

Philanthropy, as an activity of donating a part of one’s (private) property, funds, time, knowledge and effort, for the general and permanent good of the local community. It is the common denominator of all activities that could be characterized as philanthropic.

Philanthropy and philanthropic activities do not only mean donating (food, time, effort, work), they mean action aimed at the well-being of the community and man.

Philanthropy in BiH

Philanthropy is, officially, an unknown term in the activities of civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This term is not defined in the regulations, nor are organizations dealing with philanthropy specifically defined.

In practice, it has been shown that in Bosnia and Herzegovina the term philanthropy is most often identified with humanitarian action.

However, more than 200 members of the Peacebuilding Network – at least in one part implement and carry out activities that could be characterized as philanthropic, even though they are not humanitarian organizations.

What is philanthropy?

Figuratively speaking, donating a scholarship to a student is an act of humanitarian nature. Establishing a scholarship fund – represents philanthropy.

Reconstruction of a house for living, for a certain family or individual – is a humanitarian act. Building or reconstructing a school or library, which is used by the community, is an act of philanthropy.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, philanthropy and philanthropic activities are implemented and advocated by private foundations. Also companies that nurture the concept of socially responsible business.

Activities that are carried out

Currently, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, several organizations, led by the MOZAIK foundation, are trying to gather the most important actors in one place.

At the same time, with the financial support of USAID, improve the legal framework for philanthropic activity.

The Peace Building Network participates in these activities, and also carries out its own.

In researching the world’s leading practices, the Peacebuilding Network and partners agree that philanthropy is not just actions – philanthropy is also an emanation of the highest values that an organization, its membership and sympathizers can have.

Sveobuhvatna studija o filantropiji u Bosni i Hercegovini

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