Call for participation – free cycle of workshops on the preparation and implementation of EU projects in Sarajevo (June 14-18, 2022)

We invite you to apply for a series of workshops on the preparation and implementation of projects funded by EU funds, which we plan to organize in Sarajevo, from June 14 to 18, 2022, from10 am to 6 pm. UDD – Association for Democratic Society in partnership with the Association of Good with the financial support of […]


Dear members of the Network for Building Peace and users of the Local Works web portal, We have created this forum for you, i.e., for the exchange of information and the creation of partnerships for applying for the USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina: Philanthropy in Action Activity grant. The forum is an online platform for open communication through which[…]

Western Balkans Fund

If you want to learn how to benefit from up to 15.000 EUR from our grants and become an actor of change in the region, meet us in Tuzla. Our 5th Call for Proposals is co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Learn more – at Source:


🥁 The Grants Commission of the I Love My City Fund has made a Decision to support 14 projects. 📣Applicants with the most innovative ideas will be awarded support in the amount of over 44,000 BAM. 📝Contracts signing will be held on May 18, 2022 at the International Portrait Gallery at 1 p.m. 🤝Support is realized within[…]

How to apply for the Social Impact Award – SIA 2022?

Do you want to change your community for the better, with a business idea in mind? The Social Impact Award offers you the opportunity to receive financial support of up to 42,000 BAM, mentoring and free participation in the International SIA Summit in Vienna, where you will meet social entrepreneurs from 15 countries. SIA is your opportunity[…]