Training “Capacity building of small and medium-sized enterprises”

Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with partners Regional Chamber of Commerce of Zlatibor Administrative District and Energis Center organizes free training for capacity building of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which will be held from June 13 – 14, 2022 at Hotel Palisad on Zlatibor (Serbia). This training is intended for businesspersons,[…]

Third Tourism Incubator Training: Canvas describes how an organization creates, delivers and captures values

Startup studio organizes segmented and thematic trainings for its businesses and microbusiness. Today, in the organization of the Startup study, a hybrid, third education of the Tourist Incubator was held on the topic of business investment plans development. The participants were addressed by Mirsad Besirevic, Business Development Manager of the Mozaik Foundation, who presented the opportunities for[…]

Invitation to the joint commemoration In memory of Goran Bubalo

Dear members and supporters of the Network for Building Peace, On June 9 this year, we will mark the anniversary of Goran Bubalo’s departure by celebrating life, socializing with each other, singing with young people, and in the spirit of what Goran supported. The program of joint commemoration of Goran Bubalo will be held in Kakanj, prepared[…]

Weekly retrospective: We support young role models in society

The Weekly Retrospective will show us what opportunities hides. 🍀 Happy Friday to community. ✨ Celebrate the end of the work week and mutual successes. From Friday to Friday, we scroll through the columns and explore what was happening in our community, and this Friday we scroll through: 🕺 ENTREPRENEURSHIP & YOUTH 📨 COMMUNITY WRITES[…]

Local Works – apply for three additional trainings and improve the work of your organizations

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, through the Local Works initiative and the Organizational Capacity Building Program with the support of the USAID Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is organizing three additional trainings for representatives of civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the past period, a total of 14 three-day trainings and two one-day workshops[…]

IT Company Atlantbh and the Association renovated the playground for children in Vares

The youngest residents of Vares got a new place to play thanks to the joint efforts of the IT company Atlantbh and the humanitarian organization The playground in front of the Public Institution “Children’s Kindergarten Vares” has been unusable for years due to worn-out and damaged infrastructure. As a result, the children did not have adequate[…]