Tuzla Community Foundation Winter Newsletter

Tuzla Community Foundation Winter Newsletter contains summarized activities and everything we have done in the past three months. Despite the COVID-19 virus pandemic, we are working diligently and committedly to develop the local community, promoting activism as the most powerful weapon for a better and more secure future. Always keeping in mind the best interests of our […]

Network for Building Peace General Assembly – New Steering Board and President of the General Assembly elected

Despite the difficult events that have significantly affected the Network’s work in the past year – the death of its founder Goran Bubalo and the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – the Network for Building Peace continues its activities and projects aimed at strengthening civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order to strengthen internal[…]

Activism and COVID-19 – 12 days of women’s isolation activism

My name is Elvedina Alić, I am an activist from Konjic, a small local community full of great everyday challenges for activists. Women’s activism is incurable love, struggle, passion and suffering. What is important is not to die from it, but the fight is long-lasting. Rebellious women are particularly susceptible to these serious diseases. And it’s not[…]

Happy Child = Happy Planet!

Volunteers of the Foundation Older Brother, Older Sister have prepared a creative campaign called “Grow the world into a (happy) child” which aims to provide funds to continue the socializing of children and volunteers in this project cycle, and to enabled gatherings for new mentoring pairs, both in Sarajevo and in other cities where the project is[…]

DOBRO FOR PHILANTHROPY: The names of companies and individuals competing for this year’s award have been announced

The Foundation Mozaik, in cooperation with the Agency Mašta, has announced this year’s nominations for the DOBRO award for philanthropy. This is a recognition that has been awarded since 2008 with the aim of recognizing and promoting individuals and companies whose philanthropic activities and commitment significantly contribute to the development of communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In[…]

Press release: Forum discussion report – Creating green policies at local level

From January 2021, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations together in the fight for environmental protection. This is the main conclusion and result of the Environmental Forum “Creating green policies at local level”, which was realized today in the Atelier Ismet Mujezinović Tuzla. The network of active communities as the organizer of the Forum hosted representatives[…]

Support to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Our support to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and their efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Today, the Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Sarajevo, Ellen Germain, and the Commander of the NATO Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad, presented a valuable donation to the Pale Health Center. This donation[…]