Call for participation – trainings in entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship for representatives of associations and individuals from West Herzegovina Canton/Canton 8 and Canton 10

The Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno in partnership with the Association of Citizens “Grahovo” from Bosansko Grahovo, within the project “Local Works – Together for Local Development” organizes training in entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and business plan writing. One two-day training will be held in Livno for Canton 10, and the second training will be held in[…]

1.2 million BAM of non-refundable funds available for investments from the diaspora

Startup Studio in cooperation with 18 municipalities and cities launches a program to support people from the diaspora who want to invest in new or existing business ideas in one of 18 local communities: Bihac, Bosanska Krupa, Cazin, Doboj, Gracanica, Gradacac, Jajce, Kljuc, Lopare, Ljubinje, Modrica, Novi Grad, Ravno, Tesanj, Usora, Velika Kladuša, Zavidovici and Zivinice. Depending[…]

Call for participation – trainings in entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship for representatives of associations and individuals from West Herzegovina Canton/Canton 8 and Canton 10

The Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno in partnership with the Association of Citizens “Grahovo” from Bosansko Grahovo, within the project “Local Works – Together for Local Development” organizes training in entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and business plan writing. One two-day training will be held in Livno for Canton 10, and the second training will be held in[…]

Call for citizens – education on composting

In order to achieve sustainable development of the Local community Kiseljak, the Tuzla Community Foundation procured 150 composters for home composting, which will be given to citizens free of charge. I              SUBJECT OF THE INVITATION The subject of the call is the submission of an application for education on the topic of Composting biodegradable municipal waste,[…]

Representatives of the Swedish organization ABF visited the Center for Civic Cooperation in Livno

Within the project “Together for Workers’ Rights” implemented by Center for Civic Cooperation (CGS) with the support of the International Olof Palme Center, representatives of the Swedish organization ABF, Mariana Emanuelsson and Camilla Mörberg, visited the Center for Civic Cooperation in Livno. The Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund, abbreviated ABF, is a non-partisan and non-profit Association for Workers’ Education founded[…]