Networking event adventure tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

USAID Turizam poziva sve entuzijaste iz avanturističkog turizma da prisustvuju događaju “ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina”!  

Ne propustite priliku za profesionalno umrežavanje i stvaranje dugotrajnih partnerstava. Također, tokom događaja imat ćete priliku razgovarati s međunarodnim i domaćim stručnjacima iz avanturističkog turizma o mnogim zanimljivim temama.  

Događaj “ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina” je savršena prilika da udružimo snage u prevazilaženju izazova kao što su sigurnost, održivost i implementiranje ekološki prihvatljivih standarda. Zajednički rad i udruživanje je osnova za stvaranje budućeg klastera/mreže avanturističkog turizma i ostvarivanje pozitivnog utjecaja na ekonomiju Bosne i Hercegovine.  

Vidimo se 25. aprila na planini Vlašić! Pratite nas za više informacija o dnevnom redu, registraciji i lokaciji.  

USAID Turizam is calling all adventure tourism enthusiasts to attend the event “ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina”!  

This is your chance to network and create long-lasting partnerships. You will also have the chance to discuss with international and local experts in adventure tourism on many interesting topics that will be covered during the event.  

The “ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina” event is the perfect chance to join forces to overcome challenges such as safety, sustainability, and environmentally friendly standards adoption. Let's come together to lay the foundation for a future adventure tourism cluster/network and make a positive impact on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy.  

See you on April 25 on Vlasic Mountain! Stay tuned for more information on the agenda, registration and location, which will all be shared soon!

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