Mentoring for work integration to the development of the full potential of the individual for a sustainable labor market

The Institute for Youth Development KULT  today held an event called ” Mentoring for work integration: Development of the full potential of the individual for a sustainable labor market” . The goal of the event was to present the approach of social mentoring – mentoring for work integration, through which the development of professional and social skills of marginalized and […]

What does the strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina bring?

The strategy towards young people of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina strives to achieve a safe environment that strengthens the existential security of young people, reduces their vulnerability and exposure to risky behaviors, and improves opportunities and encourages the development of their full potential. The strategy recognizes the importance of information, communication and mutual trust and[…]

Job shadowing – Interesting, useful and inspiring!

Our guests today were representatives of the INPUT Youth Center. They spent the day in the premises of the Institute, using every opportunity to ask what they wanted when it comes to the work of the Institute and decided to try to apply some practices in their future work. Also, they shared their experiences and thoughts about[…]

How did young people in Sarajevo and Banja Luka strengthen their self-confidence and personal security?

In the past period, workshops “Strengthening self-confidence and personal safety” were held, organized by  the Institute for Youth Development KULT  in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, with the aim of celebrating Orange Day. The Institute for Youth Development KULT has been pointing out the problem of violence against women and girls for years and every month celebrates Orange Day, the[…]

FBiH youth strategy – an opportunity to improve the rights of young people through the fields of culture and sports while protecting the environment

The strategy towards young people makes efforts to increase the understanding of the importance of quality of life through the contribution made by  art, culture, sports and quality spending of free time in a healthy environment  and how these aspects contribute to the development of the human capital of the wider community. A healthy environment and sports habits greatly[…]

Training Hate speech and the rights of LGBTIQI+ persons

USAID/INSPIRE organizes a training entitled Hate speech and the rights of LGBTIQI+ persons with the aim of introducing the participants to the basic concepts of human rights, their holders, and the values ​​of equality, freedom and non-discrimination. Participants will learn about the international, regional and national legal framework for the protection of sexual and gender minorities, as[…]