#our stories The Poklečani local community from Posušje implemented the project and built a children’s playground within the premises of a kindergarten in Rakitno

Rakitno is a populated place in the Posušje Municipality at an average altitude of 900 meters. Rakitno has around 1500 inhabitants living in the area of ​​two local communities, Poklečani and Sutina. The main road Posušje-Jablanica passes through the local community Poklečani, and most of the local community is uninhabited and is located in the Blidinje Nature[…]

Unique online workshop “Creating engaging content through storytelling”

January 11, 2022 Topics and agenda: https://academy.turizambih.ba/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/StorytellingAgendaBHS.pdf   More about Alex Crevar: https://www.alexcrevar.com/   Registration: Media: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stvaranje-privlacnog-turistickog-sadrzaja-kroz-storytelling-mediji-registration-234160318817 DMO: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stvaranje-privlacnog-turistickog-sadrzaja-kroz-storytelling-dmo-registration-231666579977 Tour operators: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stvaranje-privlacnog-turistickog-sadrzaja-kroz-storytelling-turoperateri-registration-234158242607 Source: https://turizambih.hubspotpagebuilder.com/storytelling

USAID: Call for Qualified Domestic and International Organizations and Entities in the Tourism Sector

Calling qualified local and international organizations to submit their application to contribute to the development of the Visitor Management and Community Engagement Plans for NP Una and a Second Park in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a more sustainable National Park Una per Global Sustainable Tourism Council – @gstcouncil and Green Destinations @green.destinations criteria of sustainable development. USAID[…]

U.S. Embassy – Cultural Grants Program

Overview: The goal of the U.S. Embassy’s Cultural Grants Program is to support programs that share the richness and diversity of American culture with the Bosnian public and to promote mutual understanding and cultural dialogue between the United States and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Grants generally range between $1,000 and $15,000 are awarded to non-profit organizations and institutions[…]

Santa Claus is not banished from Kakanj – New Year’s magic in Kick

In the period from December 26 – 31, 2021 children and adults enjoyed in the Kick’s New Year’s spirit and a diverse and rich program. The children’s program attracted about 400 children who enjoyed New Year’s jewelry making workshops; learned more about winter and creating winter clothes; competed in games of precision and dexterity; danced; invited Santa[…]

#our stories Grude Local Community: 17 wells in Otok renovated within the project “Renovation and protection of wells”

In the Grude local community, Grude Municipality, there is Otok settlement where there are a large number of wells. In the time of heavy rainfall, the Otok settlement is partially separated from the rest of Grude, which is why it got its name. According to the stories of older locals, the wells were dug after the Second[…]

A step forward for beekeeping at the local level

On Friday, November 17, the associations of beekeepers “Roj” and “Propolis” operating in the Jajce Municipality were given equipment for the production of hourglass bases and honey fillers, which officially opened the Jajce Beekeeping Center. Author: Sara Velaga The center was opened within the project “Sustainable beekeeping for marginalized families and rural population” which is jointly implemented[…]