Hutovo Blato Nature Park will have a multimedia Interpretation Center – A call for purchase of equipment

The public company Hutovo Blato Nature Park, within the Endemic Roads Project – ePATH, has issued a call for contracts for the purchase of equipment of the Interpretation Center. The project is supported within Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation of Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014 – 2020, and its value is 1.2 million BAM without […]

Public call for project proposals

The Center for Investigative Reporting, together with partners from the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 , is announcing a public call for project proposals aimed at combating hate speech and better presentation of diversity. The public call was published within the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 project, which aims to effectively influence the media presentation of ethnicity, religion and[…]

Towards the common good: Read analyzes of the legal framework for philanthropy

Philanthropy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a complex and fragmented area that has not been the subject of extensive analytical and advocacy activities. Therefore, the two publications published within the project “Legal Framework for Philanthropy” are a significant contribution to the understanding of this area, its study and inspiration for all who want to advocate for the[…]

#our stories Association for Safe Environment EKO OTPOR from Široki Brijeg: “We have shown that with even limited resources we can make big changes!”

Endangered living environment, constant increase in the number of illegal landfills, tons and tons of discarded pieces of plastic and other materials in nature are images present in our lives every day through all communication channels. We are witnessing the environmental disasters almost every day. The global ecological picture is endangered and distorted by every individual who,[…]

Conference and workshop on sustainable and participatory local economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the past six months, the Network for Building Peace has conducted extensive research and mapping of socio-economic development needs of local communities and analysis of their compliance with local development strategies and plans in 16 cities/municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account the representation of local communities ethno-national and economic characteristics. At the Conference with[…]

Call for participation – comment on the draft Policy on the USAID’s website

Supporting our partners is essential to the work we do at USAID. USAID is excited to announce the public comment period for its draft Local Capacity Development (LCD) Policy. We are inviting external partners, stakeholders, and other interested parties around the world to review and provide feedback on the draft Policy on USAID’s website until January 31:[…]