Startup studio organizes segmented and thematic trainings for its businesses and microbusiness. Today, in the organization of the Startup study, a hybrid, third education of the Tourist Incubator was held on the topic of business investment plans development. The participants were addressed by Mirsad Besirevic, Business Development Manager of the Mozaik Foundation, who presented the opportunities for […]
The Government of Una-Sana Canton (USC) supported the proposal of the Ministry of Economy on this year’s Program for Stimulating the Development of Small Business in the USC. The program determines incentive measures and activities in order to achieve the goals of small business development, as well as priorities and criteria for stimulating the development of small[…]
April 07, 2021 Within the EU4AGRI project, funded by the European Union, a new public call worth 3.2 million BAM to support investments in the processing and marketing of agri-food products was published. Crafts, entrepreneurs, cooperatives and companies, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and all projects related exclusively to the production of products for human consumption within[…]
PRO-Future is announcing a public call for applications from: youth organizations, civil society organizations, environmental organizations and organizations working with religious communities and engaged in interreligious dialogue. Applicants are expected to create their ideas and proposals in accordance with the Peace Platform (click for more information), which is the result of intensive and long-term work of the[…]
The Independent Media Empowerment Program (IMEP) is a USAID five-year program implemented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD). IMEP supports media independence and freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening media sustainability, raising the quality of media content, building the competencies of journalists, providing legal support to the media, and actively involving citizens[…]
The public company Hutovo Blato Nature Park, within the Endemic Roads Project – ePATH, has issued a call for contracts for the purchase of equipment of the Interpretation Center. The project is supported within Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation of Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014 – 2020, and its value is 1.2 million BAM without[…]
The Center for Investigative Reporting, together with partners from the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 , is announcing a public call for project proposals aimed at combating hate speech and better presentation of diversity. The public call was published within the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 project, which aims to effectively influence the media presentation of ethnicity, religion and[…]
Supporting our partners is essential to the work we do at USAID. USAID is excited to announce the public comment period for its draft Local Capacity Development (LCD) Policy. We are inviting external partners, stakeholders, and other interested parties around the world to review and provide feedback on the draft Policy on USAID’s website until January 31:[…]
PUBLIC CALL for submission of bids for conducting four one-day trainings on the topic “Planning and starting your own business; Preparation of project documentation; Marketing/public presentation” Within the project: “Empowering girls and young women for new competencies; skills desirable for easier employment” funded by CfD, Switzerland In the period from June 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022,[…]