The Regional Summer Academy “CLEAN ENERGY ADVOCACY NETWORK TOWARDS CLIMATE-NEUTRAL EUROPE – CLEAN ENERGY ROADMAP” will be organized by CEEO in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and financial support of Central European Initiative (CEI).

• Young policy-makers and civil servants from governmental institutions, embassies and international organizations (up to 40 years)
• Officers working in authorities administration (national/ regional/ local) in SEE Europe
• NGOs and development aid associations
• Mid-career professionals from energy companies
• Researches and teaching assistants from South East Europe
• Final year PhD and master students wanting to pursue a professional career in the relevant field.

• Strengthening knowledge and educational support skills on transition towards clean energy sources, decarbonization and climate changes
• Enhancement of interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development and climate change polices
• Dissemination of best practice on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
• Exchanges of ideas and development of Advocacy Paper to address contemporary challenges that come from energy system and energy transition
• Dissemination knowledge about research programs and innovations in the field of low emission technologies and smart infrastructure for clean energy transition.
• Encourage cooperation between young professionals and strengthen a network for advocacy for climate neutrality in the region
• Adaptation as process of adjusting to the current and future effects of climate change.

The Regional Summer Academy will be thematically dedicated to provide an educational program on clean energy to educate pioneers of energy transition – young professionals in all sectors of society – media, academia, civil society, government, business and industry. The youth`s involvement in transition towards clean energy sources depends, largely, on their level of awareness and knowledge about energy, climate and environment issues. By increasing availability of and access to information on energy transition and sustainable development, youth can become an important actor against the climate change. The main purpose of the Cooperation Activity is to provide applicable knowledge and educational support relevant to topics which are emerging in transition towards clean energy sources including climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, sustainable-development and climate change related policies, renewable energy, energy efficiency, low-emission technologies and smart infrastructure for clean energy transition. The main idea of “CLEAN ENERGY ADVOCACY NETWORK TOWARDS CLIMATE-NEUTRAL EUROPE – CLEAN ENERGY ROADMAP” will be establishing network of young professionals in the field of clean energy, climate changes and sustainable development in CEI region. This network will enable further cooperation among young professionals, enhance dissemination and information in the mentioned topics. Many of them will benefit from such cooperation and collaborate with each other in different, mostly EU funded, projects.

In order to stimulate students to be creative, one full day site visits to renewable energy facilities (solar, biomass, geothermal, and small HPP) will be organized.

There is no participation fee.
The organizer will provide full fellowship for all 20 participants. Full fellowship includes costs of full board accommodation, refreshments and study visit. Only cost of transport have to be covered by participants themselves. Targeted number of participants is 20. We would very appreciate if you disseminate the info to potential participants.

For application, please send CV and letter of motivation (in English) to
You may attach additional supporting documents (e.g. obtained certificates/degrees etc.)
Deadline for application is 30th of June 2023. Official language of the school is English.

For more information please visit , or Facebook page:
call +387 33 87 87 90 or o send us an
e-mail to
