The Institute for Youth Development KULT with its partners, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the results of the work on the development of a strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the invitation of SOS Children’s Villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. SOS Children’s Villages of BiH through the Platform for Cooperation of Parliamentarians of FBiH: VOICE OF CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENTAL CARE has been creating excellent cooperation with parliamentarians for some time and undertakes important initiatives that contribute to a better position of young people. The meeting of this Platform was the occasion for the invitation and presentation of the strategy for young people.
In the context of the creation of the FBiH youth strategy, a special focus is placed on ensuring that all strategic goals and priorities planned in the document include and plan for youth participation in decision-making and ensuring equal opportunities for all youth in the FBiH. Guided by this approach, the youth strategy should ensure the implementation of numerous initiatives in the fields of education, employment, health and social care, security, youth activism and participation in decision-making, volunteerism, environmental protection, and sports and culture.
The Institute believes that the role of decision-makers in the process of drafting and adopting, and then implementing, the strategy towards young people is extremely important. It is especially important to ensure dialogue and understanding of the position and needs of young people and how decision makers can influence programs and policies that change the lives of young people for the better. We could feel this type of dialogue and understanding at the Platform meeting, and we believe that in the coming period, they will adopt the first strategy towards young people in this entity.

At the meeting, the efforts of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in the direction of ensuring a legal framework that recognizes the needs of young people, especially those who leave the care system, were presented. It is important to point out that a strong emphasis is placed on strengthening the role of those who work in the social protection system, social workers.
During the meeting, it was particularly interesting to hear the experiences of young people Emir Pirić and Dragana Savić, who spoke about the importance of investing in the youth care system, as well as hearing about the excellent programs of SOS Children’s Villages, such as the Support Program for children and youth without parental care and preparation for independent life in the community and about the youth empowerment and employability program through the YEEP project.
The initiative that will be sent through the Platform, and at the proposal of the Institute, the Ministry and the Youth Council, refers to the adoption of a strategy for young people and the formation of a youth council in FBiH.