The Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno, as part of the project “Supporting the involvement of citizens of Cantons 8 and 10 in the fight against corruption in employment in the public sector”, in cooperation with legal experts, analyzed the legislative framework in the field of employment in Canton 8/West Herzegovina County.
Based on the analysis, an initiative was launched to amend the legislation on employment in the public sector ŽZH/K8.
As part of the initiatives, CGS representatives held meetings with representatives of the Government and relevant ministries in West Herzegovina County, with the aim of improving the legal framework and reducing the scope for corrupt practices in employment in the public sector.

Picture 1. Meeting with the Minister of Justice and Administration of ŽZH, Vjekoslav Lasić
A Working Group was formed whose main task is to talk with the representatives of the ŽZH Assembly and to inform them of the necessity of implementing recommendations and changes in the existing legislative framework of employment in the public sector.
The campaign was launched with the aim of implementing amendments to county/cantonal laws and regulations, as well as harmonizing certain provisions with laws at the FBiH level. The aforementioned would enable the improvement of legal regulations, reduce the number of opportunities and spaces that lead to corruption, party employment and nepotism.
The ultimate goal of the initiative is to create equal opportunities for all applicants and to prevent abuse of the authority and functions of the committee and managers during the selection of candidates for employment.

Figure 2. Placed billboards in all four municipalities/cities of ŽZH
We invite citizens to report employment irregularities and to contact the Center for Civic Cooperation if they face employment irregularities, but also if their labor rights are reduced or threatened.
By implementing activities within the project “Supporting the involvement of citizens of Cantons 8 and 10 in the fight against corruption in employment in the public sector”, the goal is to encourage the active participation of citizens in detecting and solving specific problems related to corruption, nepotism and party employment.
The announcement was made as part of the project “Support for the involvement of citizens of Cantons 8 and 10 in the fight against corruption in employment in the public sector” which is part of the wider program “Support to citizens in the fight against corruption” implemented by CCI with the financial support of USAID. The content of the press release is the sole responsibility of the Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.