Free course: Goals – from setting to realization

LiderLab GIFTS a New Year’s NLP course on goal setting.

December is the right period to prepare wishes, plans and goals for realization! We have therefore prepared for you a real small treasure trove of knowledge, tools, examples and concrete steps on how to create inspirational goals for 2022 and how to realize them.


  • How to set quality goals?
  • How to make the most of the power of visualization?
  • How to make a clear distinction between desires and goals and increase the chances of their realization?
  • What are the most common mistakes we make when setting goals and how to avoid them?
  • How to stay focused on your own goal in the most challenging situations.
  • How to “break” your goal into tasks and realize it.

Check the curriculum of our course and join us by simply enrolling in the course, which you will take independently and in accordance with your own work dynamics.


The course only takes 2 hours of your day and focus. Find out how the most successful people approach their goals. These techniques are now available to you.

WE ARE GIFTING a course and you should use this opportunity. Thousands of BAM and tens of hours of accredited education were invested in this knowledge gathered in one place. We are now gifting them to you, with full confidence that you will put them into practice and enthusiastically inform us about the results they have brought you.

Prepare for great opportunities.