We are constantly witnessing, even today, that women, girls and young women face inequality and a lack of equal opportunities. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the progress made in improving their position.
In order to change this trend, the UNFPA BiH, in cooperation with the UNFPA Serbia, Mozaik Foundation and Violeta d.o.o. launches a new joint venture in the amount of € 35,000 – GIRLS ADVANCE LAB.
In this Laboratory, young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia can jointly design ideas and receive funding to provide girls and young women with support, opportunities and resources for empowerment, and thus contribute to equality in society. GIRLS ADVANCE LAB is structured as a mentoring system for developing innovative ideas that focus on specific problems, and offer unusual solutions.
Who can apply?
- Young people aged 13 to 19 from Bosnia and Herzegovina or Serbia
- Young people registered at www.lonac.pro – community for activism and entrepreneurship
- Young people who will submit their idea individually or in a team, as an informal group*
- Young people who have a creative idea 😊
* If you decide to apply with friends, it is enough for one of you to create an application for all of you, and to list the other members of the team. It is important that you are between 13 and 19 years old, and only one person in the team can be up to 35 years old (criteria added after the extension of the deadline). Also, it is very important that the person filling out the application on your behalf is a woman, or a team leader. There can be a maximum of 6 of you in the team, and it is very important to state how everyone in the team contributes to the development of the application and the development of the idea.

How to apply?
Expected solutions developed through GIRLS ADVANCE LAB:
COVID-19 has accelerated the existing digital transformation and further strengthened the presence of online platforms and their impact on the lives of all citizens, especially young people. In this regard, we want to support the creation of online content in the form of EduTainment and EduGaming, which in an interesting and fun way to talk about the importance of taking care of health, including mental health, promote gender equality, education, and promote ways of protection against online violence. Some of the suggestions are:
- TikTok, Instagram and Youtube content;
- podcasts;
- magazines;
- apps;
- karaoke;
- short shows;
- interviews;
- videos;
- tutorials;
- web sites;
- games;
- and a lot of creative content that we probably forgot to mention, but you will surely come up with something even more creative 😊 We tried to find some examples in this article: Kako te trendovi na društvenim mrežama mogu inspirisati da sama ili u timu prijaviš svoju ideju u loncu?
You can also watch the show Jutro za sve, in which Samid Šarenkapić from the UNFPA BiH spoke about the details of the GIRLS ADVANCE LAB project: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Flonac.pro.zajednica%2Fposts%2F892403631507071&width=500&show_text=true&height=411&appId
And now, read about the GIRLS ADVANCE LAB: 35,000 EUR for innovative ideas of young people from BiH and Serbia and apply by February 28, 2021. Good luck!