The Institute for Youth Development KULT allocated around 330,000 BAM for youth initiatives

In the past two years, the Institute for Youth Development KULT has allocated around 330,000 BAM for youth initiatives within the program “Strengthening skills and building leadership in youth”. During that period, 29 youth initiatives were supported in 17 communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. All initiatives are visible on the interactive map available at this link. Initiatives […]

Apply for the Regional Youth Peace Lab 2021

Stages of development This opportunity is available to those who are in one of the following stages of development. Elaboration of the Idea Area This opportunity is available to those who apply for a call from the following areas: Location All cities, SERBIA; All cities, CROATIA; All cities, MONTENEGRO; All cities, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Additional notes Applications[…]

The Institute for Youth Development KULT works on researching the needs and problems of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have information on the situation, position, problems and needs of young people. At the state level, we do not have a single strategic document that deals with youth issues. The existing official bodies dealing with youth issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) at the state level are not fully functional. In 2019,[…]

PRO-Future Small Grants: Results of the public call 2020/2021

In the previous period, youth organizations, informal groups and civil society organizations from the communities in which the PRO-Future project is being implemented, submitted more than 200 ideas for peace building. We are glad to inform you that 41 project proposals have been preliminarily approved. The implementation of the projects will begin soon. Preliminary results of the[…]