Who invented internship and what are the benefits or how to get an internship in lonac?

Medics! Yes, internship or practice was initially intended exclusively for medical professionals, but this practice (practice of practice) has been embraced by almost all areas of the business world. Because why not – hire fresh meat, sorry – fresh knowledge to do some work, get a product, don’t pay for it (in the Balkans, unfortunately, internship is still rarely paid for – but hey that’s not the case with lonac!), and in addition, your company cultivates socially responsible business because it enables young people to improve in a certain area.

After four years of full-time studies, I had almost more than a year of “work” experience. How? Easy – I applied for all possible and impossible internships. This is the time that was not recorded in any employment bureau, nor was it paid. Well, what do I get out of it now? Apart from telling you why it is great to apply for an internship in lonac, i.e., how to become an intern, I also bring the top four tips, i.e., my perception of the benefits of an internship and why, when and how you should start applying. In any case, if you think that it is better to stay home and do nothing, then this may not be the article for you. 🤷‍♀‍

Danica, Anđela and Strahinja bring you their experience of applying for the lonac internship and if you are interested in how to get the internship, read carefully their experiences.

But first… 👇👇👇

Tip # 1

In the hilly Balkans, where the system of dual education is still advancing extremely slowly, it is important to take every opportunity to improve your skills and knowledge, but also to learn something new. You will certainly be able to stand (or sit) in front of the employer and he/she will ask you – “Well, what exactly do you know to do?” or “How specifically can you contribute to our company?”. I doubt that any employer will be happy with an answer: “I will hang my diploma on the wall.” or “I will delight you with my average and theoretical knowledge.” So – use internship to really learn how to do something.

Tip # 2

And as important as it is to know how to do a job, before you have the opportunity to really work – someone will still have to look at where you are, with whom and what you did. Although it has probably been repeated countless times so far – don’t lie in your CV, because it will be revealed sometime. Everything you’ve ever done, even if only for a month – write it down in your CV. Indicate whether it was a (paid) internship or whatever it was called. Each time, before you leave the internship, try to find a person in that company/organization who will be your reference. Someone your future employer will really be able to call and check your performance. So – make it clear who you are and where you worked/work and be sure to make and keep the contacts you have made during internship.

Tip # 3

When? As soon as you realize that you have at least a little free time – go for it! 💪 Internship is something that should not take up much of your time devoted to regular obligations. In the end, you can always be honest (employers really appreciate honesty – what, I haven’t mentioned it so far?) and say that you want a test period first, to check how you’re doing and if you can do the job. So – the right time for internship is right now. Not right away, read the whole article first. ✌

Tip # 4

The most interesting part of the article – why is it great not only to be an intern in the lonac.pro community, but also to go through the selection process? First about the application experience. ➡ Yes, you need to have your CV, but you will not need it in lonac, because the application procedure is really unique. Anđela, Danica and Strahinja have already written about it. Many companies and organizations want to see who you are and what you know in real-life situations, and that’s okay. However, do not do a monthly job in advance for the position you are applying for. Yes, offer a solution and do the task, but still leave something for the interview. Speaking of that awful interview, for a start don’t just tell me it’s nothing, a trifle – because that can be the case only if you don’t care about that job/internship. Every interview is a kind of public appearance and it is quite natural to be nervous and afraid. That fear will disappear during the internship interview in lonac very easily. At least this time. And that is more of an experience. You will meet great people who will inspire you. At least that’s how it was for me.

And bonus tip # 5

As Strahinja says in his article – JUST START! Find a company/organization that you like and contact them. You never know. I realized what kind of job I want to do during my internship. See how I fell in love with my job and what I do in my article: Real Disclosure or whether, why, how and when PR became image beautification?

About lonac – follow the lonac.pro community, follow the Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram account – because opportunities are all around you.
