
Procurement procedures training

As in everyday life situations, when we make purchases for personal needs and strive to get the best quality for the money invested, it is important to dispose of funds rationally and economically in business and use market opportunities in a way that ensures rational use of funds. Globalism has led to a huge increase in competition […]

More than 60 organizations participated at the Local Works trainings in 2021

Within the Local Works Capacity Development Activity, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is helping to strengthen local actions created by citizens to address specific issues, improve general living conditions in the community, city, and ultimately positive impact on the overall situation in the country. Through carefully designed mentoring support provided to civil society organizations[…]

Apply for the mobility program in Switzerland!

We invite all young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Albania 18 – 30 years old to be part of the mobility program in Switzerland. More information on the application procedure can be found at the link below. I -dijaspora, in cooperation with the South East European Youth Network and the Collaboration Helvetica,[…]

Assembly of the Network for Building Peace held: Strategic documents for strengthening the sustainability of the Network and its members adopted

Yesterday, a hybrid conference was held in Sarajevo, bringing together 20 members of the Network for Building Peace live and online, especially individuals and representatives of organizations that are members of its Steering Board and Assembly. In addition to statutory decisions, a number of strategic documents have been adopted that should result in better organizational capacities of[…]

The Network for Building Peace held a conference on eco-activism within the Local Works project

Sarajevo, November 29, 2021 – In the last year, the Network for Building Peace has been actively monitoring and mapping civic activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This mapping pointed to the fact that a multitude of initiatives, coalitions, peaceful assemblies, and public campaigns have been launched across the country aimed at protecting the natural environment from destruction[…]

Weekly retrospective: We celebrate 70,000, promote the implementation of innovative high school ideas with your voice!

I want to introduce you to how interesting, exciting and dynamic it has been in our community. We celebrate a lot, so feel free to scroll from Young People & Entrepreneurs, through Praise Businesses, Initiatives and Opportunity for You all the way to Communities writes and Gifts & Partners. 🕺 YOUTH & ENTREPRENEURSHIP ⚬ The voting campaign[…]

The SIGN network held a regional conference on philanthropy

AND IT’S A WRAP! The SIGNS of Solidarity and Solution conference took place on November 17 and 18, bringing forth many thought-provoking and action-oriented philanthropic ideas and dialogues. -The conference hosted philanthropists, representatives of corporate and private foundations, media, companies, and academia from all over the region. It highlighted inspiring and credible participants who – through seven[…]

YOUTH INSPIRATION ACADEMY – Interesting educational workshops and awards for young people, Tuzla Community Foundation marks International Volunteer Day

On the eve of the International Volunteer Day, from December 01 – 05, the Tuzla Community Foundation is organizing an educational conference for young people “Youth Inspiration Academy” at the Tuzla Cultural Center. As in previous years, the conference celebrates the success of young people, volunteerism and gives young people the opportunity to participate in interactive educational[…]