Youth in a changing world

Tired of reading devastating statistics about young people leaving the country? Statistics about Bosnia and Herzegovina becoming a country of old people in which even the few young people who decided to stay here are apathetic? Are you thinking about looking for a better life somewhere else or do you want to change something, but you don’t[…]

Call for participation – Panel discussion “The role of youth in the anti-fascist fight”

When: May 19, 2021 at 18:00 Where: ZOOM platform The Network for Building Peace invites you to a panel discussion “The role of youth in the anti-fascist fight”, which will be held on May 19, 2021, starting at 18:00 on the ZOOM platform. Despite the efforts to eradicate fascism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we continue to witness[…]

Fakat je vakat/It is time to reward leaders

In a society full of challenges, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are communities that work strategically and continuously to improve the conditions and quality of life of youth. Umbrella youth organizations in BiH want to recognize the overall contribution of local governments to improving the position of young people at the local level and make that[…]

#NaučiPrimijeniKreni 👌 “Coca-Cola Youth Support in Bosnia and Herzegovina” begins, this time in a new format

New, innovative – online season of Coca-Cola’s support for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina begins on May 6, with an introductory lecture “How to start a career in a large system.” Coca-Cola HBC B-H Sarajevo continues with the implementation of the Coca-Cola project support to young people, and the first education this year will be organized[…]

Training for entrepreneurs

In April 2021, we started a two-month training cycle for entrepreneurs. Constantly adapting to epidemiological recommendations, we replaced online training this weekend with training in person. 20 participants from the area of ​​Živinice, Kalesija, Srebrenik, Lukavac and Tuzla have the opportunity to learn all about the business plan writing concept. With this training, participants will improve their[…]

The Institute for Youth Development KULT has developed a methodology for the organizational capacity development index

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is committed to developing and improving its own capacities so that it can ultimately provide additional support to civil society organizations and their development. The result of such efforts is the development of POK™ methodology that will be used to determine the index of organizational capacity development. This assessment is important[…]

Mozaik Foundation is looking for offers for external evaluation

Google says that external evaluation is “the process by which a specialized agency collects data, information, and evidence about an organization, its business unit, or activities to make a quality statement.” The Mozaik Foundation has been implementing its 10-year strategy since 2016, through which we have promised to recognize, empower and invest in young social entrepreneurs. From[…]

[REGION] Don’t miss the opportunity, participate in the BIZ Hackathon!

BIZ Hackathon is an exceptional opportunity to work with your team on real challenges, meet young, successful and ambitious people, show yourself in the best light and open the door to your future with the acquired knowledge and experience! Application process In the first phase, all interested candidates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia can apply[…]