Donating food as part of the company’s ESG strategy: Invitation to a conference in Sarajevo

For the purpose of more efficient management of surplus food and integration of ESG principles in the operations of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Philanthropic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Mozaik Foundation, with the financial support of the American Agency for International Development USAID, are organizing the conference “Donating food as part of the[…]

Association for Environmental Protection and Tourism Promotion – STEP:
Local communities are the foundation, the starting point and the end point of every step we take.

Non-profit, non-governmental organization Association for Environmental Protection and Promotion of Tourism – STEP directs its scope of activities towards education, promotion, management, use and improvement in the field of tourism and environmental protection.

How Bosnia and Herzegovina can defeat hunger through corporate charity

The noble campaign to fight hunger in Bosnia and Herzegovina gathers more and more companies Sarajevo, March 21, 2024 – The noble campaign to fight hunger in Bosnia and Herzegovina is gathering more and more donor companies in our country. In a new wave of donations, companies from the food sector Lactalis BH and Perutnina Ptuj helped public[…]