CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report

As part of the mandate to review and provide monitoring under the Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in Enlargement Region for the needs of the DG NEAR on annual basis, EU TACSO 3 project is pleased to invite you to the country consultation and validation meetings on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report. APPLICATION DEADLINE: September […]

Press release of the Network for Building Peace on the occasion of the International Day of Disappeared – WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE OUR LOVED ONES ARE

Association Network for Building Peace, a coalition of 222 members, organizations and schools from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), has been making long-term comprehensive efforts to restore the quality of social and economic life in BiH and aims to increase the long-term capacity of BiH society to cope with differences and conflicts in a constructive and[…]

Call for participation: Promotion of community activism webinar

At the end of this and the beginning of next week, several webinars will be held. The purpose and goal of the webinars is to promote community activism through special channels. Topics: ⚪️ Tools for promoting community engagement; ⚪️ Online petitions – advantages and disadvantages; ⚪️ Creating and managing online petitions; ⚪️ Promoting community engagement through emails[…]

“How are you, but really how are you?”

Cover photo: Online group psychological support program “How are you, but really how are you?” implemented by the Network for Building Peace in cooperation with Mrs. Amela Puljek-Shank. Title: Support groups, “How are you, but really how are you?” Description: The Network for Building Peace will organize six support groups with the aim of supporting and[…]

Concert for the preservation of the Balkan rivers: Darko Rundek & Ekipa and Partybreakers in Banja Luka

Partybreakers and Darko Rundek & Ekipa will perform at the Kastel in Banja Luka on September 25 at 8 p.m. The concert is organized by the Center for the Environment within the regional campaign “Let’s save the blue heart of Europe”. The campaign “Save the blue heart of Europe” was launched by the European organizations EuroNatur and[…]