Call for participation: Promotion of community activism webinar

At the end of this and the beginning of next week, several webinars will be held. The purpose and goal of the webinars is to promote community activism through special channels.


⚪️ Tools for promoting community engagement;

⚪️ Online petitions – advantages and disadvantages;

⚪️ Creating and managing online petitions;

⚪️ Promoting community engagement through emails and newsletters.


⚪️ Dates: 26, 27, 30, 31 August.

⚪️ Time: 13:00 hrs and 15:00 hrs

⚪️ Webinar language: English

Webinars are available by recommendation. If you are interested, you need to send the following information:

1. First and last name;

2. Email address;

3. Organization/Group/Club in which you work;

4. A date that suits you and a time.

➡️ Please fill in the application form here:

The organizers will send you more information via email and send links the day before the webinar.