How to enjoy the application process for an internship: My experience

I know the title of my article sounds like science fiction, but it’s true! It happened, and here is my story.

Application procedure for an internship in community is truly unique. Let’s imagine at the very beginning a call for interns in which you are not asked for a CV. 👀 Strange, isn’t it? 🤔 Well, that’s why this call for internship is so much better than the others. In the following text, I will describe in detail why I applied, what steps I went through and what I had to complete in order to be able to proudly say that I am an intern in And, after all, how did I enjoy the whole process?! 🤩

I registered in the community more than a year ago to vote for my friend’s project 📝, and then came back to it when I saw a FB post that was talking about Marina Bogdanović, a former intern, about how she became an intern. I read the text in one breath, and then another, and so on until I read all the experiences of the internes in the 😍 It was a real surprise to read that the application for the internship is so different from the ones that everyone is used to, the ones I applied for. I already knew then that I would definitely apply when the second call was published. I know that you are now interested in the application process for the internship of other interns, so I will mention all articles here. ⤵

Beginning, beginning

Now back to my application. 🔙 A month after reading the positive experiences, I saw an ad looking for new interns. Like all nerds, I immediately started thinking about the tasks 🤓, to research the contents in the 🧐, on social networks 📱, everything that will help me to be prepared.

The first thing I did was a PAEI test that shows the team working style. The result showed that my dominant characteristics are A (Administrator) and I (Integrator). After reading more detailed explanations for each personality type, I realized that the result describes me well – A shows my propensity for ultimate goals, I like clear and structured tasks that I can solve immediately, while I show my empathic side related to good communication and healthy relationships with the people on the team.

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