1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? Things I’ve learned that I think are important: 1. Love is everything. Live love and do everything out of love. Everything that is not love, leave immediately, and […]
1. Hi Anis, how are you? I am good thank you, very busy with the preparation for the 12th edition of the international summit of foreign languages & cultures & the 12th international Festival of Languages & Culture 2021 as well. 2. I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Well, my name[…]
1) Ivana, you are currently in Saudi Arabia. Could you please tell us more about your life in Saudi Arabia, comparing it to our, Balkan life? A lot has changed in Saudi Arabia in the last 5 years since I’ve been here. From one very closed country to a country that has opened doors to tourists and[…]
For the countless time in the past year and a half during my 6 projects, thank you for everything @erasmusslife 1) Dear Mihail, you have experience with the Erasmus+ youth exchange. Can you explain to us how important it is in general, to travel and share experiences? Erasmus+ as a program offers tons of experiences and methods[…]
1) Movies! In a previous interview, you told us you were a screenwriter, a director… When did you enter that world of film? How did it all start and when did you realize that the camera is your love? I entered the world of moving images very early and quite by accident. Although you know what they[…]
1) Travel! I know about your experience of traveling around Europe – can you share with us which countries you have traveled through? Can you describe what it all looked like and how long the European tour lasted? Which countries or cities you visited impressed you the most? And why? Traveling within the project ‘’Travel around Europe’’[…]
With Përdit’20, I aimed to raise the positivity within our group, Leo Club Peja, and then to raise the impact by expanding our community. All of the participants in the meeting agreed and as such, we decided to start with this activity, where we would have no restriction nor border. We did not want to let the[…]
1) Dear Desantila, we tie activism, optimism, Positivity Challenge to you … But who is really Desantila, what does she dream about, what does she love and what does she do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself, so we can all get to know you. Hi hi 😊 I am Desantila, from Kosovo. If[…]