Sports tourism attracted the most guests to Herzegovina in the first quarter – Pre-pandemic figures are expected for 2024

Every year, Herzegovina is visited by an increasing number of tourists who have recently shown a great interest in sports tourism, but this region, like other European tourist destinations, is facing a labor shortage, so landlords and owners of catering establishments are forced to look for workers from other countries,  reports the portal Depo writing agency Fena . – […]

A scientist from Bosnia and Herzegovina became a full professor at MIT: His discovery delighted the public

Admir Mašić, studying ancient writings and charters, discovered a chemical formula and patented modern, self-healing concrete Admir Mašić , a chemist and scientist originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina, was promoted to the position of full professor at the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States of America. – There are certain milestones in the life[…]

Activists of numerous associations demand that the construction of ‘Upper Horizons’ be stopped

Activists of several associations and informal groups of citizens of the river movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina informed the citizens present in Blagaj on Saturday about the disastrous effects of the eventual full implementation of the controversial project “Upper Horizons”, which, they say, the general public does not know enough about. Developed in the 1950s, the complex[…]

We grow together: Three days of training, leadership, social justice, micro-business selection

The MOBA 2024 team had the opportunity to gather  from May 10-12, 2024. in the Hills Hotel in Sarajevo.  We held 3 live trainings for our youth from 50 communities and 1 online social justice training for new board members of Mozaik youth banks. Coordinators of Mozaik Youth Banks, Committee for Micro-Entrepreneurship and Selection of Micro-Businesses, new members of[…]


As part of the activities of the LDI School of Ecology, our volunteers visited Sarajevo secondary schools and talked with students about the carbon footprint, that is, the responsibility and influence we have as individuals and as a society, and about the importance of a responsible relationship with nature.  We rounded off this activity with a joint[…]

GSS Tuzla – Rescuers need transportation

The goal of the project By activating non-governmental organizations, media, companies and citizens as active partners of GSS, to provide a suitable means of transport for rescue teams with the aim of a better response to all search and rescue situations. Financial resources required Required: 28,000.00 KM Collected: 12,688.25 KM Challenge The Mountain Rescue Service (GSS) Tuzla[…]

The cooperative gathered 100 cooperatives for the production of gherkins

One hundred subcontractors from Novi Grad, Krupa na Una, Prijedor, Gradiška, Laktaš, Čelinac and Prnjavor will produce gherkin cucumbers on 60 dunums and everything is ready for planting, which should start on Wednesday, said the expert associate of the Agricultural Cooperative Agro VIP from Čelinac. Miloš Đurašinović, reports Nezavisne Novine, written by Srna agency. Đurašinović said that[…]