Are you familiar with the “Digital Europe” program? Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of it from today

Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the “Digital Europe” program, and today the first international agreement was signed in Sarajevo with a qualified digital signature of the Indirect Tax Administration, which makes BiH a part of this important program.

By signing the agreement with the European Commission, interested citizens, non-governmental organizations, public administrations and companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina will have the opportunity to apply for funds in the total amount of 1.5 billion KM with the possibility of increasing this amount, which are intended for digital transformation, which is a consequence of joining the “Digital Europe” program.

Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina will be able to participate in projects that implement digital technologies across the EU in specific areas, such as artificial intelligence and advanced digital skills.

They will also be able to establish connections for digital innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Johann Sattler, emphasized that the joining of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the “Digital Europe” program will make a significant contribution to common goals, values ​​and strengthening of ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union in the field of digital technologies.

Forto clarified that in this way, the possibility of applying for grants is offered to all interested institutions.
