How can we build trust and inclusivity in our communities today? How can we invite people from across the community, people with different lived experience and/or divergent views, to engage in dialogue and citizen-led action?
Community Alphabet is an international long-term peer learning program for community leaders and practitioners in Central, Eastern & Southern Europe who are interested in inclusive participatory processes. Through the program, they deepen their knowledge, build skills and reflect on their practice together. The program is based on learning by doing and individual and peer reflection on practice.
We are now accepting applications for the 2023-24 Community Alphabet program. The program is for community practitioners and leaders who are interested in connecting diverse groups of residents and learning and reflecting on their work with peers from other European countries. If you are interested, please read the Call for pax and to receive the program timeline and application form, please contact Helen Lenda at
The application deadline is 31 March 2023.
CA 2023-24 pax application and project description form