Open call for youth exchange “Academy of digital leaders”

This years spring season  can be your best one yet Why  you may wonder ❔

Well, BRAVO has new #opencall for 10 fully vaccinated  participants to participate in the #YouthExchange from 23 rd till 31st of the March in Zboiska, Poland!

If you thought  about becoming on of the Digital Leaders  then this open call  i
was made just for you

By taking part in training course “Academy of Digital Leaders” participants will find the way into adult life which will make them aware💡 of the danger  of digital dementia. On of that you will develop self-confidence  motivation  and leadership skills to share knowledge with others

So what are you waiting for!?

All cost  are covered  and your only duty is to bring good mood  materials to present your country  and motivation to actively prticipate and have time of your life 

We don’t wan’t to hear excuses guys 

Check our website and apply now :…/