With the proposal of measures and activities, another shift was made towards the first strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is one step closer to the first strategy towards young people, and the process of creating a strategic document is entering the last phase, in which the measures through which the strategy will be implemented have been formed. At the new meeting held in Mostar, the Working Group worked on creating adequate and, above all, implementable measures to achieve the priorities that were defined in the previous period. The multisectoral approach of work teams from different thematic areas ensures that the implementation of proposed measures and activities comprehensively responds to the mapped needs of young people and creates an environment for the realization of their full potential.

Among the most important conclusions, proposals and ideas across thematic areas, it is worth highlighting the recognition of the need for the formation of a Youth Council, which will represent an interdepartmental working body in charge of coordinating and harmonizing the Federation’s youth policy. In addition, through the proposed measure, the importance of monitoring the implementation of the FBiH Youth Law and the FBiH Volunteering Law was particularly emphasized. In the field of culture, sports, environment and tourism, the working team wanted to provide greater support for young athletes and artists, intensify monitoring of the implementation and evaluation of existing programs, so that in the future, based on this, the needs of young people could be better recognized and, ultimately, greater involvement of young people. in the decision-making processes concerning sports and culture, as well as environmental protection. The promotion of healthy attitudes, habits and behavior is the focus of information and prevention activities in the field of health, and the planned measures strengthen intersectoral cooperation and a holistic approach in the implementation of programs designed to combat risk factors for health. Housing security, health, and social inclusion are key elements that enable young people to have the opportunity for education and the development of capacities for professional and personal training and work. During the meeting, special attention was paid to the creation of effective measures that will contribute to better quality support for the housing independence of young people in the territory of FBiH, which implies a multisectoral approach.

With the engagement of the Working Group for developing a strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the work on the development of the Strategic Platform, a major shift was made towards ensuring systemic care for young people. Young people in the Federation are one step closer to receiving a document that will ensure a strategic approach to this population. It is a document that will address the challenges and needs of young people, as well as create an environment in which young people will be provided with better conditions for growth and development in the thematic areas contained in the youth strategy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is involved in all activities of developing a strategy for young people, and they contribute in different work teams for thematic areas. In the previous period, the Council held several public consultations with young people from all over the FBiH, through which they had the opportunity to submit proposals for measures and activities of the strategic platform. In this way, it was achieved that the suggestions and ideas of young people are equally found among other proposals that will be included in the strategy.

The bearer of the initiative to create a strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports in partnership with the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: mladi.org