UNIBL: The Academic Theater Festival in Banja Luka begins

The third Academic Theater Festival organized by the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka and the Center for Visual Arts will begin on June 27, 2024. in the newly opened Student Cultural Center in the University City. The festival will last until Sunday, June 30, writes  RTRS .

Festival producer Sonja Đurić stated that PAF has been gathering drama and related arts students from academies and colleges from all over the region for three years, giving them the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experience and skills, as well as create new artistic values.

–  PAF promotes young theater artists, encouraging more intensive cooperation and strengthening ties between the Academy of Arts and similar educational institutions from the surrounding area , Đurićeva pointed out.

PAF received a large number of applications, as well as the fact that the Banja Luka audience will have the opportunity to see seven plays in the Festival’s competitive program.

According to her, the professors of the famous Russian State Institute of Theater Arts from Moscow will come to the Festival for the first time.

Source: studomat.ba