True motivation on the way to a better education

This week your adventure called  Learn, Think and Act! for the teaching and professional staff of secondary schools,  22 professionals who work with children and young people through formal education started. The third generation of this training already in the first module showed a true motivation to use the opportunity to improve their skills and abilities, all with the aim of providing their students with a better education.

The UMiD training program for secondary school teaching and professional staff was developed in response to the need to support teachers and professional staff, and helps develop key skills for effective planning and implementation of learning processes based on experiential methods. The goal of this training is to enable participants to adopt innovative work methods and new techniques that will improve interaction with students and raise the quality of the educational process.

One of the participants, Emir Ustavdić, professor of the economic group of subjects at the High School of Economics in Sarajevo, said: ” After the first module, I made new acquaintances and friendships from all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. When it comes to this training, top lecturers and guests, with excellently designed workshops, are a guide for us – educators, how to design our classes even better and of higher quality. Since I belong to the generation of younger professors, who already approach students in an innovative way, this module is a kind of proof that we are on the right path. I am looking forward to the new modules and the new knowledge and skills that we will acquire .”

During the three-day module, participants explored new strategies to improve their work with students and how to apply innovative and creative teaching methods that are effective and relevant. The main focus was on creating a stimulating environment that would motivate students and equip them for continuous learning throughout their lives.

Darija Zečević-Paštar, an English teacher at the “Tin Ujević” High School in Glamoč, shared her experience: ” After completing the first training module, I can freely say that applying for the training was a complete success.” It is a great asset to meet such professional and positive coaches, as well as high school teachers from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are full of enthusiasm and experience and the desire to pass it on to other people. I look forward to the next meeting with great desire for further learning!”

Understanding the importance of the time that children and young people spend in schools and the commitment of teaching staff, the training emphasizes the key role of teachers in the lives of children and young people. Teachers are a key pillar in the system that contributes to the strengthening of young people, preparing them for active participation in social changes and achieving a better position in society.

Edina Čomić, professor of Bosnian language and literature at the 2nd Gymnasium in Mostar, said: ” It was an honor to be among 22 people eager for knowledge and new skills with which they want to improve education and make the schools they work in better places for learning.” These three days were an opportunity that we used for learning, interesting sharing of experience, working together, but also for socializing. I hope that all 22 participants will take the positive energy, which was not lacking, and spread it in their working environment.”

The Institute for Youth Development KULT looks forward with great enthusiasm to the upcoming meetings and continuous support in the realization of innovative ideas that will arise from this program. The goal of the Institute is to encourage creativity and joint work in order to generate solutions that will improve education and society.
