In the past six months, the Network for Building Peace has conducted extensive research and mapping of socio-economic development needs of local communities and analysis of their compliance with local development strategies and plans in 16 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account the representation of local communities ethno-national and economic characteristics.
At the Conference with a workshop that will be held on February 03 and 04 in a hybrid format – online and live – we will present the main results of the research, which aims to inform and offer a cross-section of the situation in local communities from the perspective of sustainable socio-economic development and to call on government officials to urgently address social institutions and violations of basic human rights.
The survey involved 320 representatives of the business sector, civil society, media through interviews and focus groups, and surveyed 1,054 citizens from 16 local communities.
The first day of the conference is dedicated to the research, while the second day of the event includes a workshop that should serve as a tool for future local development towards sustainability, but also to provide a vision of how to formulate processes of reindustrialization and infrastructure construction at the local level.
The conference will bring together a large number of actors from all spheres of society, representatives of local, cantonal, entity authorities, representatives of the international community, business sector, civil society and the media.
Only together we can achieve goals that are unattainable for us as individuals.
Please apply for participation using the following link: