The KS government approved more than 7 million KM for projects in the field of forestry

At today’s meeting, the Government of the Canton of Sarajevo adopted the Program for the expenditure of dedicated funds in the field of forestry from the Budget of the Canton of Sarajevo for the year 2024, which provides funds in the amount of 7,055,000 KM.

This program specifies the scope and dynamics of the expenditure of funds for the financing/co-financing of projects in the field of forestry works and integral forest protection projects.

When creating the Program, the current state of forests and forest land in the area of ​​KS was taken into account.

In addition to the above, as an important element, implemented projects in the field of forestry and forest protection works implemented by the Ministry of Economy through the Forestry Administration, as well as annual management plans developed and implemented by KJP “Sarajevo-šume” were taken into account.

Part of the funds is intended for transfer to individuals and these funds will be used only for the realization of the activities of cultivation and protection of forests and forest land in private ownership, with a note that private forests have been significantly devastated in the past period.

Given that it is a natural resource, there is a need to undertake activities on their afforestation, all with the aim of increasing the area under forests in the Sarajevo Canton. The mentioned financial resources are planned for the realization of the project of afforestation of forest land in private ownership, and based on the selection of candidates based on the conducted public call procedure.

The second part is intended for transfer to associations and foundations. The aforementioned financial resources are planned for the realization of afforestation projects and other environmental protection projects that will be applied by non-profit organizations, after the public call procedure.  

The most significant funds are planned for capital projects from forestry, and the implementation of the aforementioned funds will be used to restore forests as a result of natural disasters, improve the production of forest reproductive material, preserve and improve the biodiversity of forest ecosystems, invest in the reconstruction of degraded and coppice forests, design, reconstruction, construction , acquisition of new forestry infrastructure, certification of forest management, afforestation of barren and karst, improvement of hunting and general useful functions of forests…

Also, funds are planned for scientific research work and professional education of personnel from the scope of forestry work, the introduction of ecologically acceptable technologies in the process of forest management with the aim of environmental protection, protection of forests from fire, harmful forest insects and plant diseases, procurement of equipment and construction of fire-fighting forest infrastructure , and other projects in the field of forestry that serve the purpose of rural development.

All planned activities are aimed at preserving, improving, protecting and reproducing forest ecosystems, as well as rational management of forest resources in order to achieve the ecological, social and economic functions of forests. 

The program of expenditure of dedicated funds in the field of forestry from the Sarajevo Canton Budget in 2024 will be realized through a public call published in one of the daily newspapers and on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the KS.
