The acquisition of knowledge through visits to the Institute continues – What is the current experience of ASuBiH representatives?

The Institute for Youth Development KULT was visited today by representatives of the Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our guests had the opportunity to talk with the employees of the Institute, exchange experiences and acquire new knowledge that they will apply in the future work of their organization.

“I keep thinking that it would have been great if this visit had happened to us earlier, when we had just started working with the Institute. I think that after today we better understand how the Institute works and why all the processes that are carried out are necessary. We also got some ideas, how to integrate everything we heard and saw today into the work of our organization”, said Tijana Vujinović, project coordinator.

“The visit was very useful because now I have answers to some questions that came to me at the very beginning of the new project that we will implement with the Institute. I think we heard a lot of useful and applicable things today. Although our organization is smaller than the Institute and we simply don’t have the capacity for certain processes, we will try to incorporate them somewhere,” added Lamija Lapo, project coordinator.

The visits so far have proven to be very useful precisely because the partner organizations are happy to apply what they have seen and learned during the visits.

By providing the opportunity to representatives of organizations to learn live about certain work procedures at the Institute and ask everything they want and what would be useful for the development of their organizations, we jointly come up with new ideas and opportunities.

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