The skills often highlighted as critical for future success often reflect rapid changes in technology, society and the work environment. Here are some skills that are often considered important for the future: 

As the labor market is constantly changing, estimates say that as many as 65% of elementary school students who start school will work in jobs that we can’t even imagine would exist today. On the other hand, it is often said that robots will replace the jobs we do today, but this does not mean that we should be afraid of new technologies, because the balance is as follows – in the  last 140 years, technology has created more jobs than they have disappeared. because of its development. 
Today, when everything is changing, the only way to keep up with the changes and the times is to critically examine everything we know about, because we don’t know how true some claim is and when it will change (our parents could only hear about the universe through TV, and today there is already talk of tourist trips into space). What every STEM education program also insists on is team spirit and cooperation among young people. When you think about it, not a single person knows absolutely everything, and the only way to find out as much as possible is to unite and exchange knowledge and information.  

One of the key skills of the 21st century is media, information and digital literacy. Distinguishing fake news, non-objective articles, following events in the world of technology, and on the other hand, not only using a computer as an end user, but also knowing the basics of programming, is an imperative for every young person. 
The skills often highlighted as critical for future success often reflect rapid changes in technology, society and the work environment.

Here are some skills that are often considered important for the future: 

  • Digital Literacy:  The ability to effectively use digital tools, technologies and resources. This includes a basic understanding of programming, working with data, using digital platforms and tools.
  • Problem Solving:  Ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems and develop creative solutions. This skill is essential in a variety of contexts, from business environments to everyday life.
  • Critical Thinking:  The ability to critically evaluate information, make informed decisions, and understand the implications of one’s actions.
  • Teamwork:  Cooperation and communication with others, as well as the ability to work in a team environment. Teamwork is becoming increasingly important as organizations increasingly turn to collaborative approaches.
  • Communication Skills:  Ability to express ideas clearly, communicate effectively through a variety of media, including writing, speaking and visual communication.
  • Emotional intelligence:  Understanding one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, and the ability to effectively manage emotions. This is important in interpersonal relationships and leadership.
  • Lifelong learning:  The ability to continuously learn and adapt to change. The rapid evolution of technology means that people will need to constantly upgrade their skills throughout their careers.
  • Innovativeness and creativity:  Ability to generate new ideas, approach problems with innovative solutions and ability to develop original concepts.
  • Global Awareness:  Understanding of global issues, cultures and perspectives and the ability to work in a global environment.
  • Adaptability:  Flexibility and adaptability to change. Ability to quickly adapt to new situations and conditions. 

These skills can help people be competitive and successful in the dynamic and technologically advanced society of the future. It is important to note that the needs of the labor market will continue to change, so continuous training is key. 

How to prepare for what is coming? 
The question is whether we can ever be prepared or predict what will happen in the future, but the risk of being less successful or successful, or choosing a profession that will be automated and replaced by a program in a few years, can be reduced by the following tips: 

  • Expect the unexpected  – First of all, it is important to realize that changes are quite certain and that you should not react to them as something necessarily negative. The development of technology brings thousands of new opportunities! Let’s see how far your imagination goes: what unusual occupation does not exist today, and do you think it will be quite normal and frequent in Montenegro in 10 years?
  • Pay attention to how technology affects other industries  – Technology affects all aspects of our lives, as well as all the industries we know. Today, programmers find their jobs in research teams, weather forecasting teams or banks.
  • Keep learning  – The best way to prepare for what’s to come is by studying! And this is not just the well-known nagging of parents that college must be completed, but it has been proven that young people with a college degree have a lower unemployment rate and a higher average salary. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that learning is over after graduation. A little secret: that’s when everything just begins.
  • Develop soft skills  – There are areas where robots will never replace us: recognizing opportunity, being creative, communicating with people and negotiating. People who have similar soft skills will advance at work sooner and are more likely to succeed.
  • Follow your passion!  – Now, when you are probably not sure which occupation you will choose, do not forget that the choice of college and future profession is one of the most important life decisions. Always choose what you love, what inspires you and what you like to explore.

Finally, keep in mind that you can always change your mind and turn to something new! 
