Public call for grants for the implementation of projects/initiatives of local civil society organizations – associations/associations/non-governmental organizations

The Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno (CGS) implements the project “Citizens’ Participation in Local Government” and invites interested local civil society organizations (non-profit associations/associations or non-profit associations/associations with one or more media as partners) in the area of ​​the municipalities of Bosansko Grahovo, Drvar , Livno, Tomislavgrad, Kupres, Glamoč, Grude, Ljubuški, Posušje, Široki Brijeg, Čapljina and Stolac to submit an application for granting grants for the implementation of projects important for residents and/or users of the organization. Civil society organizations from other cities/municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina can also apply, but implement the project in the above-mentioned cities/municipalities (one or more cities/municipalities). The activity is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Civil society organizations based outside the mentioned municipalities/cities can apply if the projects will be implemented in the mentioned municipalities.

1. Allocation of grants (grants) for CSO projects, goals and purpose

The purpose of the grants is to:

1. Improve the effectiveness of local civil society organizations in order to be involved in local processes as advocates of community interests;

2. Strengthen partnerships of civil society organizations and local communities in support of transparent and responsible local decision-making processes;

3. Increase the level of information and involvement of citizens in accountability mechanisms and processes related to the performance of local self-government.

Support will be provided to 3 active local organizations that invest time and effort in the development of the project and bring together other local actors who will contribute to the implementation of the project. Establishing cooperation with other local actors is a strategy that promotes better communication and partnership between citizens and local administration.

2. Priority areas of the grant program

CGS will award grants to address the needs of local communities, beneficiaries or local residents in the following areas:

  • Promotion of human rights, democratic values ​​and the rule of law and (the fight against corruption and crime);
  • Support freedom of information and independent media (media production, campaigns and other activities of civil society organizations with the aim of launching initiatives for advocating institutional solutions that provide answers to citizens’ needs and questions);
  • Promotion of responsibility, transparency and participation of citizens in decision-making processes;
  • Strengthening democratic political processes (especially the electoral process – free and fair elections, encouraging citizens to vote as much as possible, women in the electoral process…);
  • Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations;
  • Promoting reforms in the light of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the European Union.

The following activities and types of projects  are not eligible  for funding under  this call :

  • Projects related to topics not listed above;
  • Projects with a predominantly academic focus, i.e. research and feasibility studies;
  • Projects that largely or exclusively involve the delivery of goods or materials;
  • Infrastructure or construction projects;
  • Scholarships or educational programs;
  • Humanitarian aid;
  • Lending to third parties, debts or debt servicing costs (interest), reserves for losses or possible future liabilities;
  • Projects that are primarily a continuation of previous or ongoing projects, financed by other donors.

3.          Conditions for awarding  grants to civil society organizations : 

  1. That the CSO has been registered for at least 6 months (attach the Registration Decision);
  2. That the CSO is active (number and type of projects realized in the last three years);
  3. That the CSO did not start implementing the project before approval by the Commission (CSO statement);

4. Amount of grants and contribution of other local actors

  • The maximum grant amount per supported project will be up to USD 2,600.
  • The exact amount of each individual grant will be determined based on the proposed budget, taking into account the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Accordingly, the Project Selection Commission may propose budget reductions and modifications (as a result, the total budget of the proposed project cannot be increased).
  • The total funds allocated for this activity are USD 7,800.

5. How to qualify for support?

Applicants must meet the following requirements to qualify for a grant:

and. Selection of a project idea with the participation of CSO users and preparation of a project proposal by the CSO leadership;

ii. Application submitted on time to CGS;

iii. Approval of requests by the Commission/Committee for CSO projects composed of five members (the Commission/Committee will review, evaluate and select projects for granting grants);

6. Procedure for obtaining support

and. Applications with proposals received in the prescribed time from the applicant;

ii. Assessment of requests by each member of the Commission/Commission;

iii. Joint discussion, comparison and final assessment of each application by the Commission;

iv. Compilation of the final ranking list of requests;

c. A selection of top-ranked apps from each support list.

In case of ambiguities regarding the data contained in the application, the Commission may request additional information from the applicant. In that case, the final decision will be postponed until the next meeting of the Commission.

The committee for selecting projects reviews and evaluates the submitted applications, then it will compile a list of ranked projects, including a reserve list. The final list of selected project proposals will be published on the CGS website.

7. Announcement of calls to local organizations for support and concrete help for projects

The public invitation is open from the day of publication, 07/03/2024. until August 3, 2024. years.

The call for specific support will be published on local media, CGS websites, directly addressed to local organizations and municipal websites, where possible.

The activities of the selected NGO projects should be completed by November 15, 2024. years.

The application form with the budget and more detailed information on the allocation of grants is submitted with this call and is available in the CGS.

All questions regarding this call for projects should be sent to e-mail:  or phone/fax: 034 202 770.

Civil society organizations should submit a completed application form (one printed copy or in electronic form), and other documents required by the application (Decision on registration, number and type of projects realized in the last three years; CSO confirmation that project implementation will not begin before approval) and by mail in a sealed envelope or scanned to the above-mentioned e-mail with the reference or subject  “Application for the allocation  of grants for  CSOs   to the address: 

Center for Civic Cooperation

Gabrijela Jurkića 16 (Livnoputovi)

80101 Livno

You can download the public invitation and the application form here:


