POKRENI SE: Take the initiative and START using renewable energy in your local community with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

The Regional Center for Education and Information for Southeast Europe – REIC is implementing the project POKRENI SE/START: Take the initiative and START using renewable energy in your local community with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

The project is a continuation of activities promoting the concept of civic energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which REIC has been implementing since 2015.

The main goal of the project is to promote the concept of sustainable energy and the fight against climate change to the general public in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specific objectives of the project: – To raise the level of public awareness and knowledge about renewable energy sources and climate change, – To present examples of good practices and case studies that will focus on creating a positive attitude towards energy transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina, – To encourage local communities to be involved in civic energy projects. “Civic energy” is a model of energy production from renewable energy sources that allows citizens to participate in planning, decision-making and investment in locally available energy sources. Citizens, who own such a decentralized model of renewable energy production, have been enabled to contribute to a better environment, economic development and climate neutrality.

The project aims to send a message to the public about the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding the development of the energy sector in the context of decarbonization. This is achieved through the use of multimedia services such as video reporting, conducting interviews, surveys, publishing research work, and ultimately a webinar where the results will be presented. One of the important goals of the projects is to bring the concept of investing in renewable energy sources closer to the public through civil energy projects and to demonstrate the importance of using renewable energy sources. In addition, it seeks to point out the steps that need to be taken by in order to increase the use of green energy sources produced by citizens.

So far, four out of eight shows that will be broadcasted until the end of the project have been broadcasted within the series POKRENI SE/START. The series provides answers to questions about the causes and consequences of climate change, and the need to change the current way of economic development, which is mainly based on fossil fuels. The series gives a clear message that the turn to renewable energy sources is an opportunity for development with better jobs and a better state of the environment. In addition, it is emphasized that this turn must be socially sensitive and inclusive, i.e., fair.

The first show of the START series is called Climate Change. Through a discussion with interviewees, representatives of scientific and professional institutions, the conclusion of the show “Climate change” should be used as an opportunity to establish development on a different basis. >> which also represents an announcement to viewers for the next show. The second show, Development of Mining Areas through Energy Transition, is dedicated to an area whose economy significantly depends on coal exploitation, since, among other things, coal combustion is one of the main causes of climate change and it is imperative to stop its exploitation if we want to limit climate change to an acceptable level. For the purpose of recording the second show, we chose the Banovići Municipality, since the representatives of this local community were among the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to turn to international institutions for help in the process of energy transition. Following the conclusion of the show, which says that the energy transition envisages restructuring of the economy, transition of mining areas and change of jobs, shows were recorded: Energy poverty and energy efficiency in buildings and Green economy and jobs. Following the same principle, the remaining four shows of the series on renewable energy sources, civil energy, gender equality and the future of the energy sector in the context of digitalisation will be recorded.

In parallel, the organization of a workshop and conference is taking place, the focus of which will be civic energy. The workshop and conference will be held during November. Through the workshop, stakeholders will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with practical and proven tools for successful implementation of civil energy projects, and the conference will provide participants with insights on successfully implemented projects, good practices and lessons learned.

For the purposes of writing the research paper, telephone and online surveys are currently conducted for the public, non-governmental, private sector and citizens. The aim of the research is to create an objective picture of the current situation in the country on the knowledge and opinion of all stakeholders on renewable energy sources and climate change. This research paper will also take into account observations from the video series. Based on the obtained data, an online publication will be made and the research results will be presented.


Climate change should be used as an opportunity to establish development on a different basis. Development that will use renewable and local resources in a sustainable way while providing sustainable jobs, especially for the local population, which will result in better quality of all elements of the environment.

For a fair transition, it is crucial to define a strategic commitment and clear plans in order to use the funds intended for a fair transition. A fair transition in the context of the series means that the population, which directly and indirectly depends on coal exploitation, will not be endangered in the process of energy transition, and this is achieved by enabling them to be employed in other activities.

Energy poverty is one of the burning problems, and given the rise in energy prices, more and more households are facing problems in paying their energy bills, and are forced to live without adequate energy services, especially heating. Energy poverty is not exclusively related to the social category of households, given that there are households that do not belong to the social category and live at risk of energy poverty.

For the successful development of new so-called “Green professions” new knowledge skills and abilities to perform jobs in green occupations are required. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the education curricula and retrain workers, appreciating the need for green jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.