[Plus Ultra] Interview with Dalila

About the competition itself, Dalila pointed out:

– The competition lasted 12 weeks, during which we went through lectures by experts, workshops and mentoring in order to train for the beginning of  our entrepreneurial journey.  The goal of the program was to prepare for the final pitch, which ended with a solemn ceremony in front of investors and a jury composed of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as from abroad. At the final pitch, we presented the idea and the startup we’ve been working on for the past few weeks. The competition is designed so that  you can enter as an individual or with your own team.

– She told us that the idea of ​​applying for the competition came to her very easily, bearing in mind that she is someone who uses every opportunity that is given to young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

 Dear Dalila shared with us her emotions when it comes to the competition, as well as preparations for the same:

–  The most important thing is to be sure of yourself from the very beginning . I saw everything as an opportunity to learn important life lessons, gain new acquaintances and experiences. My focus was primarily on developing the idea and giving my best. Victory is certainly important, but the real challenges come only after it.

 She added that her biggest support was her family, but also that she found inspiration in herself, and that she was guided by the saying:

“Be the change you want to see.”

 We were interested in who can apply for this competition, and Dalila told us that young people between the ages of 18 and 30, who are permanent residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, can do it. Knowledge of the English language is required, because the competition is in that language. She added that additional information can be found on the  BHFuturesFoundation page , and that the opening of applications for the next competition is expected at the beginning of next year.

At the end of our meeting, Dalila told the young people the following:

–  The best advice I can give is to  research and experiment with different areas of IT – and in this way decide on what you find yourself in the most. The IT sector is very broad and there is room for everyone to find what they like. As for the competition itself,  I recommend not to be afraid of new challenges and not to be afraid of failure.  A positive approach, the people you will meet and the knowledge you will acquire will further build you as a person.  Maybe one day you will be the new Steve Jobs of your generation.

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Source: rolify.com