Open applications of the Fund for the Western Balkans – Maximum grant amount up to EUR 30,000 per project

The Secretariat of the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) has announced a call for submission of project proposals for strengthening regional cooperation (Empowering Regional Cooperation – ERC grant), which is co-financed by the European Union through the IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

The Western Balkans Fund (WBF), established by the WB6 foreign ministers, promotes regional cooperation and reconciliation and supports civil society organizations in implementing projects that promote peace, stability and cooperation.

As stated, with a maximum grant amount of up to EUR 30,000 per project, the ERC grant was created to strengthen the potential for successful participation in regional cooperation processes, promote networking and exchange, and support innovative approaches to foster reconciliation. Organizations and associations of civil society, educational associations such as: associations of cultural institutions, sports associations, etc. can apply for this grant. Areas of cooperation that can be applied for are: education, culture, media and others.

The deadline for submitting project proposals within this call is June 17, 2024.

More information on the method and conditions of application is available  HERE .

Guidelines for applying are available via  the LINK , while applications for the info session are available  HERE .
