New equipment for the Emergency Medical Service worth 92,000 KM

The emergency medical service at the Dom zdravlja Visoko now has almost all the medical equipment necessary to care for a vitally endangered patient at the scene of the accident, during transport and in the emergency medical clinic. – According to our knowledge, we are the first Emergency Medical Service to have an “Easy Pulse” chest compression device in its set of equipment, which will greatly increase the degree of survival and successful recovery of a patient with sudden cardiac arrest, and make it much easier for the Emergency Medical Service medical staff to carry out resuscitation procedures from the scene of the accident to definitive treatment.

According to the new system of organizing the work of the Service, the Emergency Transport Team will be able to carry out the necessary procedures on the spot before moving the patient (primary examination, stopping bleeding, vital parameters, venous access, secondary examination, immobilization, stabilization of the patient), and only then transport with constant ECG monitoring and control of vital parameters. It will be possible to give an adequate response and adequate help to any change in the patient’s condition.

Two transport respirators (Wienmann Medumat Compact) are also provided, which will enable adequate respiratory support for vitally endangered patients in the ambulance and during transport to the secondary level of health care. A professional defibrillator is also provided, which will enable doctors to perform a series of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Patients with sudden chest pain and shortness of breath who are suspected of having a myocardial infarction can now receive an accurate diagnosis in the Emergency Department, thanks to the acquisition of the I CHROMA II device, and within 15 minutes determine the values ​​of Troponin and D-dimer and, depending on the findings, immediately start adequate medical treatment treatment, and upon arrival at the hospital, due to the findings and accurate timely diagnosis, the patient’s path to definitive treatment was significantly shortened, which largely saves his life.

When cardiac arrest occurs, the first battle doctors must win is the battle against time. The further the patient is from the emergency room, the less and less his chances of survival. As the first “line of defense” in terms of the fight against time, our family medicine clinics, “Moštra” clinic, “Buci” clinic, “Poriječani” clinic and “Gračanica” clinic. In most cases, patients are brought to one of the aforementioned clinics. In this regard, one external defibrillator is provided for each of the clinics, and one in the emergency room. Delivery of these devices is expected in March 2023. The devices are designed to analyze the heart rhythm of a patient who is unconscious, pulse and breathing, and in case of need, independently deliver an electric shock while giving voice instructions to continue resuscitation.

Also, the medical security of cultural and sports events will be covered by adequate medical equipment to provide an advanced level of emergency medical assistance without jeopardizing the regular work of the Service in any segment.

Namely, it is fully equipped with cardiomobile equipment, the value of which is 35,000.00 KM. Then, part of the equipment for the spare cardiomobile was purchased in the amount of 2,400.00 KM, medical equipment for the ambulance in the amount of 50,000.00 KM, and a certain amount of medical material and auxiliary equipment in the amount of 4,600.00 KM.

The results of the improvement and reorganization of the Emergency Medical Service will definitely be visible during 2023.

– I use this opportunity to thank Dr. Mirela Drkić Popara, a specialist in emergency medicine, who worked in full capacity to ensure the necessary equipment, but also to improve and reorganize the service itself, all for the sake of one goal, which is the fight for the health and life of everyone man. – said the mayor of Visoko, Mirza Ganić.
