Municipality of Ilijaš: An example of good practices in working with young people

The first module of the Basic Training of Youth Officers, conducted by the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, was enriched by “Coffee with…” Enisa Mešetović, expert advisor for education, youth issues and NGOs sector of the Municipality of Ilijaš, who shared her inspiring story with future officials from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina and presented numerous activities that the Municipality of Ilijaš has implemented for young people in the past period.

During the meeting, the focus was on practical advice for a successful start to a career in public service, as well as on the importance of engagement and innovation in the local community. The youth officer shared examples of good practice of the Municipality of Ilijaš, such as the existence of the Youth Mobility Fund, scholarships for Third Cycle students, participation in the Europe Goes Local program, etc. Also, the participants of the Training actively asked questions about the role of the youth worker, expectations and opportunities to contribute to the community.

“This meeting is an opportunity for us to share our knowledge and experience with the new participants, but also to learn something new from them. The Municipality of Ilijaš stands out as an example of a local community that continuously works to engage and support young people, offering them various opportunities for active participation and development in the community. Not only have we created an environment that encourages young people to get involved, but we have also implemented a number of initiatives and programs that are directly aimed at their needs and interests. We are really proud because we are recognized as a youth-friendly community ,” Mešetović pointed out.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT plans, organizes and implements training programs for youth officers and certification of officers who work with young people in city, municipal and cantonal authorities. The basic training program for an official lasts 120 working hours, divided into modules.

This year’s training is conducted with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports.
