Mentoring for work integration to the development of the full potential of the individual for a sustainable labor market

The Institute for Youth Development KULT  today held an event called ” Mentoring for work integration: Development of the full potential of the individual for a sustainable labor market” . The goal of the event was to present the approach of social mentoring – mentoring for work integration, through which the development of professional and social skills of marginalized and less employable young people is sought to be encouraged, thereby strengthening the economic sector.

Social mentoring as an innovative approach in the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina offers numerous benefits, and one of them is the creation of a platform and direction for further strengthening of institutional support and economic development of local communities. Marginalized and less employable young people are an important segment of our society and it is very important to work on equalizing their opportunities on the labor market.

It was this event that created a space to talk about equal opportunities for everyone.

“What is important to emphasize is that this model of social mentoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina is just getting started. Today we have the opportunity to hear experiences from North Macedonia, where it has already been legally resolved in some way. Our ultimate goal is for this model of social mentoring to take root in the system as a profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Tatjana Junuzagić, adviser in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Regional Project Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in the WB (SoRi III), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). GmbH.

“Taking into account the challenges and needs of young people, in terms of employability and building a business career, social mentoring is a perfect opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and competencies for the labor market. The goal of social mentoring is to encourage the development of professional and social skills of marginalized and less employable youth, equalize their opportunities and opportunities on the labor market, and strengthen the economic sector. Through quality mentoring, using experiences and practices that have already been successfully applied in the region, we are trying to improve the perspective of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, said Zerina Selimović, head of the Department for Economic Development at the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

During the events, panels and discussions, various topics were discussed such as: intersectoral partnership approach to encourage the employment of marginalized and less employable groups of young people, mentoring for development and employment, challenges and specific needs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. labor market and how social mentoring – mentoring for work integration shapes the labor market and response to employers’ needs.

“Social mentoring is one of the hands that will hold our society together and make it cohesive. So much is changing our society every day, different things are happening, but inclusion and integration are the only choice – we have to include all those young people because they have potential. It is necessary to discover these potentials and connect them with employers, and this is the key advantage of this program. In this whole process, their potentials are transformed into tangible results”, said Naida Kokić, representative of the “Source of Hope” Foundation and one of today’s panelists.

This event was an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, ideas and knowledge in order to improve the position of young people in BiH and strengthen the economic sector by including a new dedicated workforce with the aim of maintaining competitiveness and long-term economic sustainability. Young people are the potential for creating a sustainable labor market, and that is why the development of the process of social mentoring of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is important.

The event was organized by the Institute for Youth Development KULT as part of the project “Social Mentoring of Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, within the regional project “Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in the Western Balkans (SoRi III), which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
