Improving human rights in business sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is known that there are socially responsible companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the question is whether there are companies that systematically allow their employees to volunteer during working hours?

This is exactly the practice of corporate volunteering. It is highly recognized in Europe and the world, both by society and by the government, through providing certain benefits to these companies. Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have fully systematically recognized corporate volunteering in laws and bylaws. Article 9 of the Law on Volunteering of the Republika Srpska recognizes corporate volunteering, while in the other two administrative units there is no such practice. However, there are no obstacles to the implementation of corporate volunteering in BiH, so we have positive examples among companies that have systematically regulated corporate volunteering in their internal regulations. You can find out what the current legislation is on this issue in BiH in the interactive infographic at On this infographic it is possible to find the definition of corporate volunteering, examples from practice, benefits for companies, employees and society, and other useful information such as guidelines on how to regulate corporate volunteering in your company.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH and with the financial support of the European Union since 2019 is implementing the project “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH” within which an online platform for systemic support to corporate volunteering was developed. On this platform, companies from BiH can find active projects that need support of corporate volunteers and very easily join these projects and thus contribute to the community. Corporate volunteers, through the platform, have so far provided support in 8 projects and during that time have invested over 80 hours of their work.

In addition to concrete help and contribution to society, the benefits of corporate volunteering for companies are reflected in strengthening the company’s reputation, building trust between the community and the company, encouraging other companies to contribute to solving common problems, but also increasing teamwork and employee satisfaction.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT invites all interested business entities to register for free on the online platform, join one of the active projects and show solidarity now when it is most needed.

korporativno volontiranje u BiH