Globally current IT topics and top lecturers at the 11th MS Community conference

The 11th MS Community BiH conference, which will be held on April 18 and 19 at the Garden City Hotel & Resort Konjic, promises a rich program of lectures, workshops and interactive sessions, the focus of which are the latest trends and innovations in the IT sector.

This two-day meeting, which has already established itself as a key IT event in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond, will gather leading experts and innovators, with a special emphasis on progress in cloud technologies, software development, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is important to point out that the City of Konjic recognized the importance of this event, and is the general sponsor this year.

The eleventh edition of the conference will host 16 Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award-winning lecturers and 4 Microsoft Regional Directors (RD), which further confirms its high quality and international importance. The conference program includes a variety of sessions, including workshops on topics such as “Cloud Cookbook: Azure PowerClass”, “Microsoft 365 Administration, Security and Governance”, and “Navigating the Microservices Mesh: A Comprehensive Guide to .NET Service-to-Service Communication ”, which will be led by globally recognized experts. More information about lecturers can be found on the lecturers’ page.

Lectures will cover a wide range of topics, from mobile device security and cloud infrastructure management, to challenges in the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare and application development on AWS. The conference will also explore current topics such as generative AI, security of software projects and quantum computing, providing insight into the latest developments in the IT industry. Detailed information about lectures and workshops is available at this link.

In accordance with the slogan “1nspire 1nnovate”, 11 MS Community aims to inspire participants to creativity and innovation, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences. “Since its inception, our conference has been a place where the IT community gathers to share knowledge and experiences. This year, we are especially happy to be able to offer a new format and location, with an exceptional set of lecturers and topics”, say the organizers.

Thanks to affordable registration fees, the conference also provides young people with an extraordinary opportunity to learn about the latest IT trends. Given that the number of available places is limited, everyone is invited to register today via

More information about this year’s MS Community BiH conference can be found at: and on the social networks Facebook and LinkedIn.
