is a website that offers promotion of local/homemade products in a very simple way.
On this website, you can find a database on food producers, and get more information on what is produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as an insight into what certain producers need in order for their products to be of the highest quality.
You can quickly find out where/how to buy peppers, potatoes, eggs, honey, jam or some other product in your immediate vicinity. is the first service in Bosnia and Herzegovina that provides a detailed insight and overview of producers of domestically grown food. It promotes agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina in an innovative way, and provides opportunity for new cooperation and partnerships.
Since we have received a large number of inquiries from our citizens (emails, phone calls, questions via our FB profile, where they expressed an interest in buying these products directly from the farmer/manufacturer and delivering to their home address (delivery available to any address in Bosnia and Herzegovina), we have created a unique website in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where you can order directly from the farmers/manufacturers all available products to your home address.
Until today, we cooperate with over 150 farmers and we offer about 600 different products from 45 individual shops!
More information on HOW TO ORDER is available HERE.
For more information, please visit the following website: