Experience the heavenly landscapes of the Bosnian mountain villages through the project of students from Mostar

Second year Business Informatics students of the University “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar Aldina Ćatić, Elvana Gosto, Nejra Maksumić and Neila Vila are doing an excellent job again. After filming promotional videos for Mostar, Blagaj, Sarajevo and Stolac, it was the turn of one of the most beautiful villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Umoljani and Lukomir.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Although many tourists visit famous cities like Sarajevo and Mostar, villages like Umoljan and Lukomir remain hidden gems.

“These villages are like a living museum, you can still see people engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry and maintain the traditions and culture of those Bosnian regions. It is interesting that the first inhabitants of Lukomir, seeing all its beauty, called it the “Port of Peace”, which it still represents today. The people who live in those places certainly give a special charm, so they are known for their hospitality, which we saw for ourselves. They will be happy to welcome you with a smile on their face, invite you to their house and offer you coffee and lunch, regardless of where you come from and what language you speak,” the students pointed out.

The students also convey that they have a special gratitude towards Prof. dr. Veldin Ovčina and assistant Sara Kljajić, on the transferred knowledge and skills from the subject Marketing.

Umoljani and Lukomir are located at high altitudes, offering spectacular views of mountain peaks, valleys and rivers. Lukomir, the highest populated village in Bosnia and Herzegovina at 1,495 meters above sea level, is known for its traditional stone houses and rich flora and fauna. Its isolation over time has helped preserve the authenticity of architecture and customs. Umoljani is surrounded by beautiful mountain paths that lead through forests, meadows and crystal clear streams. Unique myths and legends are associated with this village, such as the one about Aždaha, which, according to local stories, once threatened the village, it was announced.

Source: mostarski.ba