Donations from Raiffeisen Bank for more festive joy

For 13 years now,  Raiffeisen Bank  has been implementing a holiday donation project in which, instead of printing and sending holiday cards, it delivers donations aimed at the most vulnerable categories of the population. This socially responsible activity is part of Raiffeisen’s sustainability strategy, according to which the Bank strives to contribute to the social community in which it operates.

This practice continued this year, and on the occasion of Kurban Bayram, Raiffeisen Bank presented donations  to the Association of Children and Youth with Difficulties in Development, Disabilities and Persons Suffering from Rare Diseases, Ključ , and to  the Extension Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities “Steps of hope”, Tuzla . Donated funds in the total amount of 8,000 KM are intended for the improvement of the daily activities of these organizations and the conditions for their users.

Association Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities “Koraci Nada” from Tuzla has been operating since 1994. The Center’s activities are aimed at 170 to 200 users from the area of ​​Tuzla Canton, aged up to 28 years. The Center provides multidisciplinary education, rehabilitation and counseling services to children and their parents, through coordinated teamwork. The association “I mi se budimo” from Kljuc was founded in 2010 and has around 80 members, of which 25 are children with developmental disabilities and young people with severe physical disabilities from the municipality of Kljuc. During its work, the Association implemented over 30 projects for the protection of the rights of children, young people and persons with disabilities.  

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