During October, under the slogan “Enjoy together and share a meal”, all customers of Somat and Pur products in Bingo markets, directly contributed to the work of SOS Children’s Villages Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best friend of SOS Children’s Villages Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bingo, continued to support SOS families through a joint project with Henkel. The donation […]
The overflow of the Bosna River due to last week’s heavy rains in the Sarajevo settlements of Rajlovac and Reljevo caused flooding in several residential and auxiliary buildings, as well as the industrial zone in Rajlovac, where, among other things, the Robot shopping center was flooded. The Robot shopping center was cut off from the rest of[…]
As part of the Meal for All project, representatives of the Association Pomozi.ba knock on doors of at least 1,000 elderly and sick people, and entire families in Bosnia and Herzegovina who are unable to afford a quality meal. In addition to food, they bring a special warmth and a feeling to their homes that they are[…]
BH Telecom, as a socially responsible company, makes its resources available to legal entities in order to overcome the problems caused by floods. BH Telecom provides access to the professional BH Telecom Data Center to all legal entities that need assistance, where they can use the following services: Virtual servers according to user specifications Back up services[…]
On November 3, 2021, a working meeting of socially responsible companies and foundations on the topic “State and future of philanthropy” was held. In Sarajevo, they gathered with the idea to establish a Philanthropic Forum and through joint action contribute to the improvement of the legal framework for philanthropy and strategic donations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In[…]
Doctor of Law and proud father of four children, Dragan Dakić from Banja Luka, at the beginning of 2020, with a group of friends, started the implementation of the project “Cijena minus za 3+”. Basically, the goal of this project was to provide multi-member families with discounts from partners and businesses. So far, through his Foundation “Za[…]
Marking the sixth birthday of the Fresh Corner brand, INA and Energopetrol decided to launch a campaign to provide support to the work of SOS Children’s Villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All buyers of the Fresh Corner products at INA and Energopetrol retail outlets will help provide groceries for families from SOS Children’s Villages in Bosnia and[…]
The month of October is marked worldwide as the book month. This month, special attention is being paid to the importance of books and reading. Promoting the importance of reading, especially among children, is aimed at nurturing the love of reading because it is extremely important for the development of literacy, which also encourages the development of[…]
In the premises of the General Directorate of BH Post in Sarajevo, a special children’s stamp with the motif of the Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities “Koraci nade” from Tuzla was promoted. On that occasion, representatives of the Center, coordinator Jasmina Krivošija and program managers, Selma Peštalić visited their premises. The Executive Director of the Sector[…]