Dresscode, the leading Bosnian fashion brand, is proud to announce its collaboration with UG Medica on the occasion of International Women’s Day . This campaign, called “Shine of solidarity for a life without violence”, represents a combination of extraordinary elegance and humanity, highlighting strong support for women and children who have survived violence, contributing to their healing and empowerment. Dresscode […]
Mayor Nusret Helić and National Director of SOS Children’s Villages of BiH Malik Garibija signed an agreement on the financing of the SOS Children’s Village project in Gračanica, thus continuing long-term cooperation in the field of creating safe conditions for a carefree and happy childhood of children without parental care. The National Director of SOS Children’s Villages, Malik Garibija,[…]
The “Second” Foundation, with which the Cantonal Public Institution “Home for Children Without Parental Care Sarajevo” has signed an Agreement on cooperation in the implementation of activities in terms of improving work and providing support and assistance to children without parental care, received a significant donation from the British Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The donation in[…]
Thanks to the contribution of the Alifakovac bakery, the meals that the users of the Stari Grad National Kitchen in Sarajevo receive on cold January mornings are enriched with Frisian flatbreads. As they state, the change in the legal regulation, which exempted food donations from paying VAT, facilitated the implementation of this humane decision. In a world[…]
Training sessions are held on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:15 p.m. on the FiS outdoor playground (balloon). Enrollment of children is done directly at the appointment. The goal of the project is to include as many students as possible from the first to the ninth grade of primary schools from the area of this local community in organized[…]
Sarajevo, the UNESCO city of film, is organizing Cinema Night again this year, a traditional event that will open the doors of cinemas in Sarajevo for free for the third time in a row. Cinema Night will be held on Wednesday, December 27, and free entrance to the cinemas for the citizens and tourists of Sarajevo was[…]
The companies Novo Nordisk and Legit have broken the stereotype that games must necessarily be part of a bad, time-consuming habit. By presenting the innovative game “Lea and Leo”, they managed to achieve their goals of educating, raising awareness, but also informing the public about the everyday problems faced by people living with diabetes. The picture book “Lea[…]
Ećo Company provided scholarships to the most successful students of the Forestry Faculty of the University of Sarajevo. At the recently held International Conference: Sustainable Heritage: Education, Research and Perspectives in Forestry and Urban Greenery, General Director Ećo Suad, on the occasion of marking the 75th anniversary of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Forestry, presented[…]
The first dm store opened in Gradačac The largest drugstore chain in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dm drogerie markt is richer for another store opened in Gradačac at the address Sarajevska bb within Ris Park. Customers from this area can now enjoy buying products at ALWAYS BAD prices from a wide dm range that includes eco-friendly products and organic[…]